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Morn Sameth

    Morn Sameth (Khmer: ម៉ន សាម៉េត), born in 1990, is a distinguished Kun Khmer fighter from Phnom Penh, affectionately known as the “Tricky Old Tiger.” With extensive experience in Kun Khmer, Sameth is also an official at the Ministry of Interior, showcasing his diverse talents and commitment to his country.

    Early Life and Journey into Kun Khmer

    Born into a fishing family, Sameth faced financial challenges that limited his formal education to grade 8. Despite these obstacles, Kun Khmer was deeply embedded in his family’s traditions. He began training with his father from a young age, although it took until 2005 for him to start fighting due to the scarcity of boxing academy fighters at that time.

    Family Support and Inspiration

    Sameth’s family played a crucial role in his journey. With six brothers who were also boxers, he found inspiration and unwavering support from his family, despite advice from neighbors to pursue other careers. His family’s encouragement was vital, especially since boxing, initially, offered better financial prospects than fishing.

    Early Setbacks and Progress

    In 2006, Sameth’s father attempted to enroll him in the National Defense Boxing Association, but he was denied due to his age. Undeterred, his father opened a boxing gym, which allowed Sameth to train seriously. He later trained under Sen Bunthen and is currently training at KKIF gym. Throughout his career, Sameth faced moments of doubt, especially when defeated, as fan insults extended to his parents, testing his resolve.

    Early Recognition and Achievements

    Sameth gained significant recognition in 2008 when, at just 16 years old, he defeated veteran fighters such as Em Litho and Lor Samnang. This early success marked him as a rising star in the Kun Khmer community. Throughout his career, he showcased his skills both locally and internationally, also fighting in Thailand and Myanmar. Sameth has won numerous local belts, gold and silver medals, and national Khmer boxing championships, all of which have enriched his career and cemented his reputation as a formidable fighter.

    Overcoming Adversity

    The outbreak of COVID-19 presented a major challenge for Sameth, as he contracted the virus and had to step away from the ring. This hiatus tested his resilience, but his determination never wavered. He made a successful comeback, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the sport by continuing to train and compete at a high level.

    Recent Achievements Sameth recently transferred to the KKIF gym to prepare for the MMA glove Kun Khmer match. His dedication and hard work culminated in a significant victory on May 19, 2024. In a stunning performance, Sameth clinched a first-round knockout against a Moroccan fighter, drawing awe and cheers from his fans. This victory not only marked a successful first form of fight but also solidified his legacy in Kun Khmer, demonstrating his enduring skill and resilience.

    Born 1990
    From Phnom Penh
    Nickname The Tricky Old Tiger
    Height 1.65 m
    Weight 60kg
    Style Kun Khmer
    Stance Orthodox
    Kun Krou Laksmana’s Protective Circle
    Boxing Gym KKIF
    Trainer Svay Sokhonn
    Years Active 2005- Present
    Total 238
    Wins 193
    Losses 45
    Draws 08
    TKOs 51
    Last updated 18.05.2024
    CAUTION: The fight records of Kun Khmer Fighters have been inconsistent across TV stations. Therefore, these numbers are subject to change based on the latest fights available, with the name of the TV station hosting the event mentioned.