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Som Vichhay

    Som Vichhay (Khmer: សោម វិច្ឆ័យ), born in 2001, is a distinguished Kun Khmer fighter hailing from Svay Rieng Province. Known for his prowess in the ring, Vichhay has secured numerous victories through TKOs in his recent bouts.

    Raised in the humble surroundings of Svay Rieng, he has surmounted numerous obstacles to emerge as a distinguished figure in the realm of Kun Khmer fighting.

    Vichhay is renowned for his masterful legwork. His powerful and precise kicks have led to numerous knockouts in recent matches, leaving many of his opponents defeated.

    Born 2001
    From Svay Rieng Province
    Other Names The White Tiger of Svay Rieng
    Height 1.67 m
    Weight 63.5kg
    Style Kun Khmer
    Stance Orthodox
    Kun Krou Ravana showing off the power
    Boxing Gym Vibol Darith Pursent Chhey
    Trainer Long Vibol
    Years Active - Present
    Total 94
    Wins 59
    Losses 23
    Draws 12
    TKOs 16
    Last updated 05.05.2024
    CAUTION: The fight records of Kun Khmer Fighters have been inconsistent across TV stations. Therefore, these numbers are subject to change based on the latest fights available, with the name of the TV station hosting the event mentioned.